Build your own#

Custom components can be added to your own codebase by subclassing Component or one of the include components and then updating the template as required.

Shared component#

If you wanted to share a component with specific data in many Dashboards, one way to achieve this would be to write a new component, with value preset:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

from dashboards.component import Stat, StatData

class UserCountStatComponent(Stat):
    value: ValueData = lambda **kwargs: StatData(
        text=User.objects.count(), sub_text="User Count"

user_count = UserCountStatComponent()

Gauge example#

An an example how to create a more complicated custom component, below is an example of how to create a gauge component with SVG Gauge.

First create the component:

GaugeData is a helper class, you could return a dict etc if you prefer.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional

from dashboards.component import Component, Stat
from dashboards.types import ValueData

class GaugeData:
    title: str = ""
    value: Optional[ValueData] = None
    max_value: ValueData = 100

class Gauge(Component):
    template_name: str = "includes/gauge.html"

Then create a template to render:

You will need to ensure you have svg gauge js/css added to your base template/static.

# includes/gauge.html

{% load humanize %}
<div class="gauge">
    {% if component.href %}<a href="{{ component.href }}">{% endif %}
    {% if component.icon %}
        <div class="float-end">
            {{ component.icon|safe }}
    {% endif %}

    <script type="module">
        var componentGauge = Gauge(document.getElementById("{{ component.key }}"), {
            max: {{rendered_value.max_value}},
            label: function (value) {
                return value;
            value: {{rendered_value.value}},

        componentGauge.setValueAnimated({{rendered_value.value}}, 2);

    <div id="{{ component.key }}" class="gauge-container">
        <span class="title-text">{{ rendered_value.title }}</span>
    {% if component.href %}</a>{% endif %}

When creating a new template, the href, icon sections are boilerplate for base component features, you may or may not wish to include. Otherwise you can include the JS/HTML or (HTMX) you need for you component.

You can then use the new component in your dashboard:

gauge_svg = Gauge(
        title="SVG Gauge",
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