Table Serializers#

A TableSerializer object can be passed to any Table or BasicTable component as a argument for value or defer:


class DemoDashboard(Dashboard):
    chart_example_value = Table(value=ExampleTableSerializer)
    chart_example_defer = Table(defer=ExampleTableSerializer)

Serializers automatically fetch and convert data into a format which can be rendered by the Table component.

Creating a Table Serializer#

To create a Table Serializer all you need to do is: subclass TableSerializer, list the columns for the table, and define your data.

To define your columns you must set a columns attribute on the objects Meta class:

class ExampleTableSerializer(TableSerializer):
    class Meta:
        columns = {
            "key": "Key",
            "value": "Value",

The dictionary key should match the name of the key in your datasource, its value is what is displayed on screen for the table heading.

By default the table will show whatever value is held in the object for the corresponding key. If you want to change this you can create your own get_FOO_value method on your TableSerializer object:

class ExampleTableSerializer(TableSerializer):
    class Meta:
        columns = {
            "key": "Key",

    def get_key_value(obj):
        return f"The Key is: object['key']"


This example will show the string “The Key is: {key_value}” as the cell value.


If your data is stored in a Django model, the defining your data step becomes really easy. Either set the Model you’re interested in (in the serializers Meta class), or if you need more control over the queryset you can override the get_queryset() method.:

from dashboards.component.table import TableSerializer

class ExampleTableSerializer(TableSerializer):
    class Meta:
        columns = {
            "key": "Key",
            "value": "Value",
        model = ExampleModel


from dashboards.component.table import TableSerializer

class ExampleTableSerializer(TableSerializer):
    class Meta:
        columns = {
            "key": "Key",
            "value": "Value",

    def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return ExampleModel.objects.filter(value__gt=10)

Both these examples assume you have a Django model with a key and value field:

class ExampleModel(models.Model):
    key = models.CharField(max_length=25)
    value = models.IntegerField(default=0)

When overriding get_queryset() you also have access to any GET or POST data as well as the request via the kwargs:

def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs):
    filters = kwargs["filters"]  # any GET / POST data
    request = kwargs["request"]  # django request object

    qs = ExampleModel.objects.all()
    qs = qs.filter(created_by=request.user)
    qs = qs.filter(key=filters.get("key"))
    qs = qs.order_by("key")

    return qs

If your data doesn’t come from a Django model you can still use serializers to prepare your data. To do this just override the get_data static method on the serializer e.g.:

class ExampleTableSerializer(TableSerializer):
    class Meta:
        columns = {
            "key": "Key",
            "value": "Value",

def get_data(**kwargs):
    return [
            "key": f"key_{r}",
            "value": r,
        for r in range(10)

get_data expects that you return a Python List.

Just like get_queryset() get_data() also has access to any GET or POST data as well as the request in kwargs.

Filtering, Sorting and Pagination#

Under the hood the Table component uses the Javascript library Datatables. This gives you the ability to filter, sort and paginate your data out the box. The TableSerializer has been built to accommodate this, knowing how to process and apply this to your dataset without you needing to do anything extra.

If you decide to swap out the Table compoent for something other than Datatables you may need to implement your own filter() and sort() methods on the TableSerializer class.

If you use the BasicTable component you do not have to worry about this as these features are not included.