
When using the built in routing/views permissions can be set on Dashboard by either adding a permissions_classes e.g:

class AdminDashboard(Dashboard):
    admin_text = Text(value="Admin Only Text")

    class Meta:
        name = "Admin Only"
        permission_classes = [IsAdminUser]

or applying global permissions classes with by adding the following to your

DASHBOARDS_DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES = ["dashboards.permissions.IsAdminUser"]

Built in permission classes#

All built in permissions function in a similar way to Django’s own PermissionRequiredMixin in that by default they will redirect to settings.LOGIN_URL or the login_url defined on the class.

If a user is logged in but has no access a PermissionDenied with the message from the permission_denied_message included.


Dashboard(s) are accessible to all users (default)


Dashboard(s) are accessible to authenticated users only


Dashboard(s) are accessible to authenticated admin (is_staff=True) users only

Custom permissions#

For more granular permission control, subclass one of the built in permissions or dashboards.permission.BasePermission. For example:

class UserHasPerm(BasePermission):
    def has_permission(self, request: HttpRequest, dashboard: Dashboard) -> bool:
        return request.user.has_perm('app_name.can_view_dashboards')

    def handle_no_permission(self, request: HttpRequest, dashboard: Dashboard) -> Union[PermissionDenied, HttpResponseRedirect]:
        # or change how an invalid permission is handled.
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("permission_denied"))

Custom views#

If you wish to include or combine your dashboards into alternate Django views, you will need to hook up permissions as required. For example, the internal views check at dispatch() with:

has_perm = dashboard_class.has_permissions(
if not isinstance(has_perm, bool):
    return has_perm
elif not has_perm:
    raise PermissionDenied()
## continue with access


has_permissions is used, which checks has_permission for all the permission_classes assigned to the dashboard or permissions setting.

handled controls whether or not has_permissions should call handle_no_permission on the permission class or simply return False when has_permission fails.